Today's Daily Bread

Passage: 1Samuel 28:1~14
Keyverse: 14

David had been under threat from King Saul. He had taken refuge among the Philistines. While in the service of Achish, David was able to attack and defeat the enemies of Israel. But now the Philistines gathered their forces to attack Israel. When Achish approached David to accompany the Philistines into battle, David pledged his loyalty, and Achish accepted. It was awkward, because in reality, David was loyal to the LORD, the God of Israel.

In Israel, on the other hand, Samuel had died, and David had fled. When the Philistines assembled to attack, Saul was full of fear. He inquired of the Lord but received no answer. In his desperation he sought help from a medium. He had previously driven them out of Israel, but now he disguised himself and went to a woman at night, asking her to bring up Samuel from the dead. As soon as the woman saw Samuel, she recognized Saul, but he reassured her. He bowed down with his face to the ground. Saul had the appearance of worship, but his disobedience and lack of trust led to being ruled by fear.

Prayer : Lord, help me to overcome fear and worship you truly, by obeying your word and trusting in you.

One Word : Trust and obey the Lord

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