
Jerusalem Shall be Called the Faithful City

Zechariah 8:01-08

Key Verse 08: “and I will bring them to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in faithfulness and in righteousness.”

Read Verses 1-2

  1. What does the Lord of hosts say about Zion? Why do you think He is so jealous for her?

Read Verse 3

  1. Where is the Lord now according to verse 3, why do you think He has returned to Zion?

  2. What will happen now that the Lord has returned to Zion? What effect does the Lord's presence have on Jerusalem, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts?

  3. How might this be a foreshadowing of Christ’s return?

Read Verses 4-6

  1. What kinds of things does the Lord want for Jerusalem?

  2. What do these things demonstrate about His intentions for His people?

  3. What does verse 6 mean to you?

Read Verses 7-8

  1. What will the Lord protect His people from?

  2. How will the people get to Jerusalem?

  3. What qualities will the Lord exhibit in His relationship with those who shall be his people?

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