This is The Basket That is Going Out
Key Verse 06: “And I said, “What is it?” He said, “This is the basket that is going out.” And he said, “This is their iniquity in all the land.”
Look at verses 5-8.
What did the angel of the Lord tell Zechariah to do? What did he see?
What did the angel say that the basket was?
What was the plan for the basket?
What was inside the basket? What did the angel say the woman was?
Why might Israel’s wickedness be represented by a woman?
What did the angel do to the wickedness in the basket? What does this reveal about God’s control over the wickedness?
What is God revealing he will do for the people of Israel? How might this be related to the previous vision of a flying scroll being sent out over the land? (Zechariah 5:1-4)
Look at verse 9-11.
What did Zechariah see next? Why might 2 women be carrying away the basket to Shinar (Babylon)?
What were the 2 women going to do for the basket when they took it to Shinar? What will they do after the house is prepared? What could this mean?
How might this act of iniquity and wickedness being taken out be related to the temple work that is happening in Jerusalem and what has happened so far in the book of Zechariah?
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