
I Will Send It Out

Zechariah 5:01-04

Key Verse 04: “I will send it out, declares the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter the house of the thief, and the house of him who swears falsely by my name. And it shall remain in his house and consume it, both timber and stones.”

  1. Look at verses 1-2. What did Zechariah see when he lifted his eyes?

  2. Look at verse 3. What did the angel say that the flying scroll was? Where was it sent to? What was written on each side?

  3. Look at verse 4. What will the scroll do after it is sent out?

    1. Why do you think God wants to consume the house of the thief who steals?

    2. Why do you think God wants to consume the house of the person who swears falsely by God’s name?

    3. What might be unique or significant about these two sins?

  4. Who is God focusing on in this vision? What could happen to the Israelites if these people remained in the land? What could it look like once they are removed?

  5. How might this act of the scroll being sent out be related to the temple work that is happening in Jerusalem and what has happened so far in Zechariah?

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