
Return to Me and I Will Return to You

Zechariah 1:01-06

Key Verse 3: “ Therefore say to them, Thus declares the Lord of hosts: Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts."

  1. At what time does the word of the Lord come by Zechariah in today’s passage?

    1. What is happening during this time / what is the current state of the nation of Israel? (Ezra 5:1-2 )

    2. Who does Zechariah address in today’s passage?

  2. What did the Lord want from the people?

    1. What does it mean to return to the Lord?

    2. What does the Lord promise to do if they return to him?

    3. What principle can we learn from this?

  3. What does the Lord say about their fathers in verse 4?

    1. What did the Lord say to their fathers through the prophets? Who were their fathers? (Jeremiah 36:1-4, 20-32 and 2 Chronicles 36:5-21 )

    2. What happened to their fathers? Why did this happen to them?

  4. What did the fathers eventually acknowledge in verse 6? (Daniel 9:1-15 ) What does this reveal?

    1. What point is the Lord making in today's passage about the current generation by citing what happened to their fathers?

    2. What might happen to the current generation if they don't return to the Lord?

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