The LORD Will Be King Over All The Earth
Zechariah 14:1-21
Key Verse 09: “And the LORD will be king over all the earth. On that day the LORD will be one and his name one.”
1-3. What will happen to Jerusalem? Who is going to gather all the nations together against Jerusalem? How will the LORD respond to Jerusalem’s attackers? Why is this battle important?
4-5. These verses describe the LORD standing on the mount of Olives, splitting it into two and making a way for people to flee to. How is this event different from when Jesus came the first time? What is significant about the mount of Olives?
6-9. What will happen on the day known to the LORD? What makes this day unique? How will things change?
10-11. What will happen to the land that surrounds Jerusalem? What will happen to Jerusalem? What does this new landscape formation symbolize regarding Jerusalem and other nations?
12-15. What will happen to those who wage war against Jerusalem? Why might this type of plague strike all the peoples that war against Jerusalem, as well as the beasts in their camps? What will be collected for Jerusalem? (14b)
16-19. What will happen to those who do not worship the King? Why might Egypt be mentioned? What could be significant about Egypt going to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Booths? (Ex. 5:1-2)
20-21. How will the horses and the pots in the house of the LORD be changed on that day? What might this change signify?
Read Verse 21b. Why might this statement be significant? Why do you think it is the last thing written in the book of Zechariah? What is bad about having a trader in the house of the LORD? (Mt. 21:13)
Look at the things that will happen in this chapter; how will they be different from the way things are today? What could be the main message to be received from this passage? What could be the main message to be received from the book of Zechariah?
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