
  I Am Making Everything New

Revelation 20:11-22:6

Key Verse 21:5

1. Revelation 20:11-15 indicates that it is not a small problem for one to not see his name written in the book of life. What does the word "life" (in "the book of life") or the word "dead" (as in "the dead") suggest about the way to know whether or not one's (your) name is found written in the book of life? (John 1:4; 3:16-18; 7:38; 11:26; Acts 2:38; Romans 8:9-15) 

2. Think about "a new heaven" and "a new earth" referred to in Revelation 21:1a. 21:5 also says, "I am making everything new." Discuss with one another what this "everything" (that is to be made totally "new") might possibly include. 21:1b states, "There was no longer any sea." Under the old order of things, seas are very necessary for mankind. Yet, under the new order, they are no longer needed. What does the absence of seas indicate about the condition of man's life under the new order of things? (21:6; 22:1,2)

3. Revelation 21 describes the Holy City in different ways. What do the following descriptions have in common? 1) the New Jerusalem (2); 2) the dwelling of God (3); and 3) the bride, the wife of the Lamb (9). What do these descriptions tell us about the ultimate purpose God has for his children? (3b; John 17:17-26)

4. Compare the one who "overcomes" in 21:7 with the ones who will be subject to the second (eternal) death. What are we to "overcome"? (Rev 2:7,11,17; 3:5,12)? How can one overcome what he has to overcome? (1Jo 5:5; Romans 8:31-39) 

5. Revelation 21:9-21 describes, among other features, the following things: 1) twelve (pearly) gates (to the city) on which were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel with twelve angels at the gates; and 2) twelve foundations (of the city 'wall' consisting of gem stones) on which were written the names of the apostles.  What do the words "Israel", "angel", and "apostle" have in common? (Exodus 19:5-6; Rev 1:6, 20; 5:20; Luke 9:1,2) What do these features indicate about the characteristics of the people holding citizenship in the City? (21:11,23; 2Co 3:18; John 17:24)

6. In Revelation 21:22-26, we can see that the City is an open society where people of the "nations" and "kings of the earth" flow in and out of it. What does the word "nations" or "kings of the earth" indicate about the overall picture of life on the new earth? (Isa 2:3; 11:9; Hab 2:14)

7. Revelation 22:1-6 also describe great features of the perfected world. What do the following descriptions tell us about the perfected world to come? 1) the river of the water of life; 2) [on each side of the river stood] the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month; 3) the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations; and 4) they will see his face (Ex 33:20; Heb 12:14)? 

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