Make A Joyful Noise To The LORD, All The Earth
Key Verse 1: “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!”
Read verse 1. Who is today's passage directed at? Why do you think it is important for all the earth to hear this word?
V2. There are many ways that we may serve God, and we may come to him with different thoughts and feelings. Why does God encourage us to serve him with gladness and come into his presence with singing?
How do you think serving God with gladness and coming to him with singing will help us?
V3. Why is it important to know the LORD is God?
Verse 3 says: “It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture” what does this tell us about the relationship between God and people? Why is it important to know this for our spiritual life?
V4. Verse 4 encourages us to come into God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise.
What does it mean to enter the gates of the LORD with thanksgiving, and enter his courts with praise?
What does it mean to you to ‘bless his name’?
How might entering into his presence in this way impact our relationship with God and how we come to him?
V5. Why should we do all these things according to verse 5?
What quality about God's love and his faithfulness is being revealed in this verse?
Why is it important for us to understand this about God's love and his faithfulness?
How has God shown his steadfast love and faithfulness to you this year?
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