The Pilgrim's Progress
A Play
-Giant Despair
-Mr. Worldly Wiseman
-Miss Humanist
-Person of Vanity 1
-Person of Vanity 2
-Sheriff of Vanity
#1 What Shall I do?
[Christian sands in the middle of a darkened stage, head down. The voice of the narrator is heard.]
As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I came to a certain place. I laid down in that place to sleep, and as I slept I dreamed a dream. In my dream, I saw a man clothed with rags standing in a certain place, facing away from his own house, a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back. I looked and saw him open the book read; and as he read, he wept and trembled; and not being able to contain himself any longer, he broke out with a lamentable cry.
What shall I do? [Christian looks this way and that...tries to run...but he can't tell which way to go.]
I looked then, and saw a man named Evangelist coming to him.
Why are you crying?
Sir, I perceive, by the book in my hand, that I am condemned to die, and after that to come to judgment.
Why are you afraid of this?
Because of this burden on my back--I'm afraid that it will drag me lower than the grave. I am not ready to face judgment.
How did you come to have such a great burden?
I accumulated it over many years, but I only became aware of it recently. I've tried everything I can to get rid of this burden, but nothing works, and now I fear the coming judgment.
If this is your condition, why are you just standing here? Flee from the coming wrath!
But I don't know which way to go.
Listen to me if you want to live! Do you see that light in the distance?
No...wait...I think I see something.
Keep that light in your eyes and go directly toward it, without looking back. There you will find deliverance from your burden. Go!
[Christian begins stumbling forward, and then running, but the burden of his sin makes it difficult.]
#2 Pliable and Obstinate
As he ran, his neighbors came out to see him. Some mocked and others cried for him to return. Two of them resolved to bring the man back. Their names were Obstinate and Pliable.
[As Christian is running for his life, Pliable and Obstinate come out and see him leaving.]
Pliable: Hey! Where are you going? [Christian starts to move faster.]
Obstinate: He's running away! Let's get him!
Pliable: OK [They start chasing and yelling.]
Pliable and Obstinate yelling stuff: Where are you going? / Come back! / Don't be stupid! [Christian puts his hands on his ears and keeps running.]
Christian: Life! Life! Eternal life! [But finally, Pliable and Obstinate catch up with him.]
Obstinate: You can't just leave!
Pliable: It's dangerous out there!
Christian: It's dangerous back there! I'm going to a place where there are no more burdens, no more tears, and no more death!
Pliable: Wow! Really? It sounds wonderful!
Obstinate: Fools! It doesn't exist. The only thing out there is suffering and loss. If you go that way, you can kiss goodbye to all your hopes, dreams, and future happiness.
Christian: The only thing back that ways is death. You cannot change my mind. I'm going.
Obstinate: You're a fool! I'm going back. Let's go, Pliable.
Christian: Come with me, Pliable. I am going to a wonderful place--where we can be free of our burdens.
Pliable: It sounds great. I'm going with you!
Obstinate: You are both fools! [Obstinate leaves. Christian and Pliable walk on together.]
C: I am glad you are coming with me.
P: Tell me more about the things that we will enjoy in the place we are headed.
C: There is an endless kingdom, and everlasting life.
P: Sound's great. What else?
C: There are crowns of glory to be given us; and clothes that will make us shine like the sun in the sky.
P: Wow! I can't wait!
#3 The Swamp of Depression
Narrator: Now, in my dream I saw that they came to a very swampy place. They were not paying attention, and they fell into quicksand. The name of the swamp was Depression.
[Obstinate leaves and Christian and Pliable go on together. At first, thing go well, and Pliable is enthusiastic. But then they come into a swamp.]
Pliable : Ewe! A swamp! Where are we?
Christian: I don't know.
P: Is this the happiness you told me about? If we have this much trouble at the beginning, we will surely die before we make it even half way!
C: Don't give up. We can make it. Just a little further.
[They go on a little more, but then Pliable gives up.]
Pliable: Forget it! I'm going back. It's not worth it.
[Leaves Christian alone. Christian keeps trudging through, but he is having great difficulty. Finally, he cries out.]
Christian: Help!
[Christian falls down, unable to get up.]
Narrator: As he lay stuck in the swampy mud, I saw that a giant came to the place where he was. The Giant's name was Despair.
[Giant Despair comes out and puts his foot on Christian's back and laughs.]
Despair: Ha, ha, ha. You thought it was so easy to be rid of your burdens. Now look at you! You failed before you even started! Pliable made the right decision. You better turn back, too, before it's too late. Ha, ha, ha!
[Giant despair leaves.]
Christian: He is right! My burden is too great. There is no hope for me!
Narrator: And so the man lay down in the swamp, waiting for his burden to pull him under the mud forever. But then, he remembered his book, and he pulled it out and began to read.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Then his strength was restored a little, and with a mighty effort he got back on his feet and made his way out of the swamp.
#4 Worldly Wiseman
Narrator: Now as Christian traveled on, weary from the struggle in the swamp and still heavily burdened, he saw someone come crossing over the field to meet him. The gentleman's name was Mr. Worldly Wiseman.
MR. WORLDLY WISEMAN: Hello, good fellow, where are you going with such a great burden?
CHRISTIAN: A burden indeed! I am on my way to be rid of my heavy burden.
MR. WORLDLY WISEMAN: Listen. I'll give you some good advice.
Christian: I could use some good advice.
Mr. WW: My advice is for you go get rid of your burden as quickly as possible. Until you do, you can never enjoy a happy life.
Christian: That's what I'm trying to do. But I can't get it off on my own--that's why I'm going this way.
WW: Who told you to go that way.
Christian: A man named Evangelist.
WW: You've been misled! There is not a more dangerous and difficult way in the world than the one that he directed you to. If you continue on this way, your life will be ruined. Haven't you already had troubles?
C: Yes. I barely made it through the swampy place.
WW: That was nothing. If you continue on this way, you will suffer pain, hunger, dangers, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness, and, in a word, death.
C: But this burden on my back is more terrible to me than all of these things.
WW: How did you come to have this burden in the first place?
C: By reading this book in my hand.
W: I thought so. Many people like you have been needlessly burdened by reading from that book. But you don't need to be. There's a far easier way.
C: Please, tell me about this way.
W: In village over there is a woman who is skilled in in helping people become free of their burdens.
C: Really? How can I find her?
W: Just go that way! (he points in a different direction from where Christian is going)
C: Thank you for your help.
W: No problem.
#5 Miss Humanist
Narrator: Then I saw in my dream that the man turned away from the light, and went to the place Mr. Worldly Wiseman had directed him. There he found the woman he had been told about--her name was Miss Humanist. She lived in a house that sat on the edge of a high cliff. The cliff was so high, that the bottom was not visible.
Miss Humanist: Hello traveler. I see that you are burdened.
C: Yes, terribly. I was told that you could help me.
MH: I can, and I will, because I have compassion on you. I never like to see people suffer needlessly under burdens of their imagination.
C: But this burden is not just my imagination.
MH: Oh, yes, it is, and as soon as you free your mind from what constrains you, your burden will fall away.
C: Please, tell me what to do.
MH: It's simple. Empty your mind. Free your spirit. Repeat these words to yourself: "The only truth is the truth I create for myself." (Meditation style)
C: "The only truth is the truth I create for myself."
MH: Now say: "I have no burden. I am light as a feather."
[She does tai-chi style movements, very gracefully]
C: I have no burden. I am light as a feather.
[But Christian has a hard time because of his burden.]
MH: Free your mind!
C: I'm light as a feather.
MH: You make your own reality.
C: I am light as a feather.
[Christian tries hard to be light as a feather, only to slip under the weight of this burden, and almost fall off the edge of the cliff into the abyss. He has to hold on for his life.]
C: Help!
MH: Help comes form within.
C: What?
MH: Ooops, time for lunch. It's been good working with you. Remember. Free your mind!
C: Free my mind! Free my mind!... help... help...
#6 Getting Back on Track
Narrator: And I saw in my dream that Christian clung to the edge of the cliff for some time, but because of the burden he could not pull himself out. His arms became tired and he was beginning to lose his grip.
[After hanging for a time, Evangelist comes along and helps him up.]
E: Why were you hanging like that?
C: Miss Humanist told me that I could be free of my burden by freeing my mind.
E: How did you end up at her house? She lives far off the road I directed you to go on.
C: I met a man named Mr. Worldly Wiseman--he sent me there to be free of my burden.
E: Did it work?
C: No! The burden is greater than ever.
E: You have turned far from the path of light.
C: Oh, I'm so stupid! I'm such a fool! Now all my hope is gone. I am going to die under the weight of this burden.
E: You abandoned the way of life, but there is still hope.
C: There is no hope for me. How will I make it?
E: Your thoughts are not helpful. While you breathe, there is still hope. Now, fix your eyes on the light you saw at first, and go again toward it.
C: I can't see it anymore!
E: Ask and you will receive.
[Christian falls to his knees and prays.]
Father, I've sinned, but I ask for your mercy. Open my eyes so I can see.
[Christian stands up.] I...I can see it again.
E: Go! And do not let anyone turn you aside again.
C: I won't. Thank you.
[He runs toward the light.]
#7 Calvary
Narrator: Now I saw in my dream, that the highway up which Christian was to go was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation. He made his way with difficulty because of his burden, but he soon came to a small hill, and at the top of the hill stood a cross.
[Christian comes to the cross and falls on his knees before the cross. The light shines on the cross.
Then Christian heard a voice saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
[Suddenly, Christian falls forward, and the burden falls off his back.]
He has given me rest by his sorrow, and life by his death. (Then he sings) He has set me free! He has set me free! I will rejoice for he has set me free!
[Evangelist comes out, and he and Christian embrace in joy.]
Welcome, brother Christian! You are now a citizen of the Kingdom that will never end.
Everything has changed.
Your journey is just beginning! See the path before you? It is straight and narrow. It is the way of the Name that is above all names. It will lead you to the City that you have just become a citizen of.
Thank you for all you have done to help me.
By the grace of God I am what I am. I will see you in the kingdom. Goodbye
#8 Faithful
Narr: Now as Christian, for that was his name, went on his way, he saw a man on the road ahead of him. The man's name was Faithful.
Christian: Hey, wait up!
Faithful: No! Death lies behind me and life before me. I will not stop for anything!
Christian: You're right! I'll catch up.
Narrator: Christian ran to catch up with the man ahead of him, and he even ran past him and smiled proudly because he had passed someone who had started out before him.
[Christian falls down and can't get up until Faithful comes and helps him get up. Then they go on together.]
Christian: Thank you. Where are you going?
Faithful: I am going to the kingdom that will never end.
Christian: So am I! Let's go together--we can help each other.
Faithful: I am glad that we have met each other.
Christian: How long did you stay in the city of Destruction before you set out on your pilgrimage?
Faithful: Till I could stay no longer. What about you? How did you escape from Destruction?
Christian: It is a long story, but...
#8 Continued
[Suddenly they are interrupted by Giant Despair.]
Despair: A long story indeed! It is a story of sin! A story of shame! A story of hopelessness!
Faithful: Who are you?
Despair: I am the messenger of truth. The truth is that the man who travels with you is a fraud. He pretends to be a holy pilgrim, but the stench of sin is still in his clothes.
Christian: You are wrong! My burden was taken away, and I am now clothed in Righteousness.
Despair: Can a man who has done the things you have done become righteous? Can a Zebra change its stripes? Once a sinner, always a sinner.
Christian: It's not true.
Accuser: Isn't it? Do you think you can be free from your sins so easily? You are a fraud and an impostor!
Christian: I...I... I can't argue with you. I am a hopeless sinner....
Faithful: Do not listen to him! He is the impostor. I recognize this man. His name is Accuser, and his goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. He would have you despair and give up.
Christian: But what if he is right? How can a sinner like me become righteous?
Faithful: Do not forget what you experienced at the cross. Believe the One who has power to save! Fix your eyes on him!
Christian: You are right, brother. Thank you.
Despair: No! He is a sinner, too. He is more hopeless than you. Don't hold on to false hope.
Christian: Get away from me! I will not listen to you any more!
Despair: You will fail. You will fail. [The Giant Despair leaves.]
Faithful: Do not listen to lies. Let us be faithful to the end.
Christian: Thank you for your help, my friend.
#9 Vanity Fair
Narrator: Then I saw in my dream that they came to a town named Vanity. At this town there was a fair, called Vanity Fair, and there a man could buy all kinds of things, such as houses, jobs, honors, lusts, pleasures, friends, comforts, and much more. The price for these vanities, however, was a lifetime servitude to the Lord of Vanity.
[They arrive at a city called "Vanity Fair." There are lots of people there trying to sell all kinds of vanities, such as success, money, pleasure, etc. They offer all of these to Christian and faithful, but they close their ears and will not heed. Then the people become annoyed and an officer of the city stops them.]
Sheriff: Where are you going?
Christian: We are going to our Father's house.
Sheriff: We don't like strangers, here. And you guys look strange!
Faithful: All of the vanities this city has to offer will pass away and bring death to all who love them. We have put our hope in a treasure that can never spoil, perish, or fade.
Sheriff: How dare you slander our fair city! It is a great crime to speak against our way of life!
[The crowd becomes restless and says things like, "Kill them!"]
Sheriff: We will teach you a lesson!
[The mob begins attacking Christian and Faithful. They drag faithful to an execution platform]
Sheriff: Any last words, Pilgrim?
Faithful: What will separate me from the love of Christ? Hardships, persecutions, danger, or sword? No! In all these things I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me and gave his life for me.
[They put him to death.]
We'll deal with you tomorrow.
[They lock Christian in chains.]
And so Faithful's pilgrimage came to an end.
#10 Darkness
Narrator: When evening came, the Shariff of Vanity came to visit him.
Sheriff: You have a lot of nerve coming to my town, pilgrim.
[The Sheriff strikes Christian.]
You think that you have the truth? You think that you know what's good?
[The Sheriff strikes him again.]
Think again. Tomorrow, you get to join your buddy in the grave.
[The Sheriff leaves.]
Narrator: Christian began to despair in his chains. and as the night grew colder, the Giant Despair returned to torment him.
Despair: You are not ready to die. Your sins will find you out. It's because of you that Faithful died. Where is your Savior now? He cannot even save you from men! How will you be saved from condemnation? Ha ha ha.
[Despair leaves.]
Christian: I'm going to die and then be condemned. My sinful heart lusted after the merchandise of Vanity! What a wretched man I am!
But then Christian remembered his book once again, and he pulled it out and began to read.
“If God is with us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?”
[Christian gets to his feet and begins to sing.]
I love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship you, O my soul, rejoice! Take joy, my king, in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet, sound, in your ear.
[Hopeful enters from the side, burdened by sin, with a flashlight, and sneakily comes and helps Christian escape.]
#11 Hopeful
Narrator: Christian and his companion walked for many hours without saying a word, until they were sure that they were not being followed. Then they began to talk to each other.
Christian: Thank you, my friend, for helping me escape from my persecutors. What is your name?
Hopeful: My name is Hopeful, for I hope to become a pilgrim like you.
Christian: Haven't we met before?
Hopeful: Yes. I'm afraid that I was one of those people at the fair who tried to sell vanities to you and your noble friend, Faithful, who gave his life because he put his hope in a better country.
Christian: What?
Hopeful: It's true. At first, I wanted to kill you and Faithful because your pilgrimage to the Eternal Kingdom convicted me of my sin. I hated you! But when I heard Faithful's testimony, his words pierced my hardened heart. And when he faced death without fear, I was amazed, for death is what I fear most.
Christian: Praise God! Even through his death, Faithful was an instrument of righteousness.
Hopeful: After that, I was burdened with this great burden. I released you because I could not stand to see another holy pilgrim put to death. And now, my prayer and hope is this: to be free of this burden and to set out on pilgrimage just as you and Faithful have done.
Christian: If that is your hope, then listen carefully to me. Do you see that light?
Hopeful: Yes, I do.
Christian: Follow it without turning to the right or left, and you will reach the place of Deliverance. Then follow me, as I follow Christ, on the Way of life!
Hopeful: I will. Thank you.
Christian: Goodbye. I will see you at the journey's end.
#12 The River of Death
Narrator: After Hopeful had set out on his journey, Christian set out again for the final stretch of his journey. Along the way, he met many dangers and trouble, and many more joys and victories, and he helped many burdened souls to find the way of life. Finally, he came to the River of Death, which he must cross to reach his goal.
Christian: Now my journey is almost done.
[Out pops Giant Despair]
Despair: Ha! Do you think you will make it across? You will drown! Your sins will weigh you down.
Christian: Throughout my long journey, you have tried hard to make me give up. I know who you are! You are a servant of the Ruler of the City of Destruction. But you have failed. I have come this far by God's grace, and you will not stop me.
Despair: But remember your failures!
Christian: This is what I remember: There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ!
[Despair has a seizure and falls back dead.]
Christian: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteousness Judge, will award to me.
And so Christian passed through the River of Death and finished his pilgrimage through this world.
#13 The Final Scene
[The light slowly dawns on Christian, and music builds. One-by-one his friends come out. Then the music turns glorious, and all bow down.]
Narrator: Then the gates of the Eternal City were opened, and I looked inside and saw that the city shone like the sun; the streets were paved with gold; and on the streets were many people, with crowns on their heads, palms in their hands, jumping and singing praises to God. And after that they shut up the gates, and I wished that I was there among them.
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