

Nehemiah 9:38-10:39
Key Verse 9:38

“In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.”

  1. Read verses 9:38-10:29. What did the people do after confessing all their sins? (38a) Who affixed their seal on a binding agreement? (38b, 10:1-27) Who were the rest of the people who joined and agreed too?(10:28-29)

  2. Read verses 30-34. What did they promise? (30) What did they decide about the Sabbath and every seventh year? (31) What responsibility did they assume in serving the house of God? (32-33) How did they determine who brought the contributions of wood? (34)

  3. Reads 35-39. What did they decide about their firstborn and the firstfruits of the ground? (35-37a) What did they decide about tithes? (37b-38) What else did the people of Israel bring to the storerooms in the temple and why? (39)

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