


2003 Fall Bible Conference

Bible Study #2

Matthew 16:13-28

Key Verse 16:24

1. Read vs. 13-16. How is the people's understanding of Jesus different from that of Simon Peter? What was responsible for the difference?

2. Read v. 16 again. What does "the Christ" mean? What does "the Son of the 'Living' God" suggest to us about the way Jesus struck Simon Peter? 

3. Read vs. 17-20. Who revealed this knowledge to Simon? What vision did Jesus see in Peter's confession of faith? 

4. Read vs. 21-23. What does Jesus' teaching in v. 21 and his rebuke of Simon Peter suggest to us about the kind of "Christ" God had in mind and the kind of "Christ" Simon Peter had in mind? What can we learn from Jesus' rebuke of Simon? 

5. Read v. 24 and think about the three requirements: 1) "deny himself"; 2) "take up his cross"; and 3) "follow me." How are they related to one another? They all seem unpleasant. Yet how will they help us to come after Jesus? 

6. Read vs. 25-26. What does this passage suggest to us about: 1) our inability to save ourselves; 2) the world as a stumbling block to the salvation of a soul; and 3) the condition that must first be satisfied within a man before Jesus is able to save him? 

7. Read vs. 27-28 and describe the blessedness of a life that follows Jesus in the way taught here in the passage. 

** Write a Bible testimony on one thing you learned from the passage.  



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