


Mark 16:1-26

Key Verse 16:6


The risen Lord revealed himself not to all peoples on earth but only to a few. To whom did Jesus reveal the good news of his resurrection? (16:1,7,9,10,12,14) What does this suggest to us about the way to personally experience the power of resurrection?  


There were not just one or two but three women who encountered a young man in the tomb in v. 5. Who is the young man? Why did he appear? (Heb 1:14; Matthew 18:10; 1Pe 1:12; Rev 5:11) In what respect do you think these women really deserve this kind of special help from the Lord?  


Mark 16:7 quotes what the women were supposed to say to Jesus’ disciples: “He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” When did Jesus tell the disciples about this? (Mark 14:28) How did it actually happen in Galilee? (John 21)


Please consider the way the women responded in v. 8. Yet who took courage and told Jesus’ disciples the news? (9-10) How was she enabled to accomplish such an important mission? 


The expressions “they did not believe”, “lack of faith”, or “stubborn refusal to believe” in vs. 11, 13, and 14 show us that the disciples had a hard time to believe in the Risen Jesus. Yet, how did the Risen Lord help them out? (14; 15-18)


V. 15 says that the resurrection of Jesus is the good news for “all creation.” Why? (16) There are three “signs” that will accompany those who believe. What are these signs for?  


Vs. 19-20 say that the Risen Lord works with his disciples and confirms his word by the signs that accompany it. What does the “on-going” work of the Risen Lord tell us about the practical way to personally experience the power of resurrection? 

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