

2004 Spring Bible Conference

 Bible Study II


Mark 16:1-26

Key Verse 16:6

In this passage we can learn the reality of resurrected life, not just in theory, but in practice. 


The risen Lord did reveal himself not to all peoples on earth but to only a few. To whom did Jesus reveal the good news of his resurrection? (16:1,7,9,10,12,14) What does this suggest to us about the way to personally experience the power of resurrection?  

** To those who fully committed to following Jesus. 

Three women (1)

His disciples, especially Peter (7)

Mary Magdalene (9)

Those who had been with him (mourning and weeping [for the loss of the fellowship with the Lord]) (10)

Two disciples (who were on the road to Emmaus) (who put their full hope on Jesus) (12)

The Eleven (the Twelve minus one, that is, Judas Iscariot) who fully gave their lives to Jesus Christ

** The sight of the resurrected Jesus is one of the most glorious revelations one can expect to receive from God the Father. God reveals his blessed revelations only to those who are fully committed to Him. For this reason, we say that commitment to the Lord is the key to receiving revelations. Examples: Joseph, Moses, Daniel, and John.


There is a very important message for us to learn here. No one can fully know, much less personally experience, the power of resurrection unless, and until, one fully commits to serving the Lord. 


There were not just one or two but three women who encountered a young man in the tomb in v. 5. Who is this young man? Why did he appear? (Heb 1:14; Matthew 18:10; 1Pe 1:12; Rev 5:11) In what respect do you think these women really deserve this kind of special help from the Lord?  

** An angel sent from the Lord. 

** To help out God’s children.

** They went the extra mile in following our Lord Jesus (his disciples even all ran away). In their deepest commitment to and love for the Lord Jesus they came to the tomb very early in the morning. They did not calculate on anything. They did not concern themselves about the difficulties involved. Compelled by their love and loyal devotion to the Lord, they came to the tomb as soon as the curfew was removed. There are many faithful women in every ministry, particularly in UBF, like these women. 


Mark 16:7 quotes what the women were supposed to say to Jesus’ disciples: “He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” When did Jesus tell the disciples about this? (Mark 14:28) How did it actually happen in Galilee? (John 21)

** Jesus made this announcement at the Last Supper Table the night before his suffering and death. What Jesus said must have still been ringing in their ears, especially in the ears of Peter, since Jesus had talked about the post resurrection conference right after predicting that the disciples would all fall away. Jesus’ prophecy about Simon Peter’s denying Jesus three times must have been shocking and very painful to Simon Peter. Yet, Jesus made an announcement about the post resurrection (of Jesus) (or “post falling away of the disciples” conference) to recover the failures of the disciples. 

Before his sufferings and death, Jesus saw the events to occur: Jesus going to the cross, the disciples becoming frightened to death and running away from the mission, Jesus rising from the dead, Jesus inviting the disciples to a resurrection conference in Galilee, Jesus restoring them back to the calling as His blessed disciples once more, and Jesus commissioning them as the kingdom builders after his ascension. 

This shows us that Jesus is a good shepherd who knows his sheep, especially their weaknesses such as fear. 

“But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” This statement is filled with Jesus’ wisdom and love as a shepherd for the disciples. 


Please consider the way the women responded in v. 8. Yet who took courage and told Jesus’ disciples the news? (9-10) How was she enabled to accomplish such an important mission? 

** Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus had driven out seven demons.

** Most likely she was enabled to do so because she “remembered” Jesus’ grace upon her life.  From her example we learn that when we remember God’s grace on our lives, we can overcome our own feelings and be good witnesses to others (who are still sorrowful).


The expressions “they did not believe,” “lack of faith,” or “stubborn refusal to believe,” in vs. 11, 13, and 14 show us that the disciples had a hard time to believe in the Risen Jesus. Yet, how did the Risen Lord help them out? (14; 15-18)

** The disciples were no different than we are now. The resurrection is so new that it is very difficult for anyone to believe. We too are like the disciples who “stubbornly” refused to believe because of the notion that sooner or later all turn to dust and are no more ingrained in them.

But the Risen Jesus helped the disciples out in three ways:

First, he rebuked them. 

Second, he showed them that the resurrection is as realistic as food getting into the mouths of the disciples, then their stomachs, to make them feel good and be nurtured by it. Remember how Jesus timed his appearance according to the disciples’ meal time!  To the disciples nothing was more real than eating! 

Third, by giving them work to do, that is, Jesus’ world mission command. This is the most practical way to experience the power of the resurrection. After attending the Bolivian Bible Conference, Shepherd Jay Irwin said that throughout the conference he carefully watched Msn. Esteban Cho and saw that he looked like an angel, whose face shined. Jay’s testimony shows that because Msn. Esteban Cho obeyed the world mission command he experienced the power of the resurrection firsthand!


V. 15 says that the resurrection of Jesus is the good news for “all creation.” Why? (16) There are three “signs” that will accompany those who believe. What are these signs for?  

** It is the good news for all creation because it signals the beginning of a new order of creation that started becoming applicable to all creation – saving all creation from the rule of the old order of frustration, into the rule of the new order of the blessedness of life – the life where there is no more curse but only blessings, especially the blessing of having one’s sins forgiven, and the blessing of the privilege to participate in the fellowship with God the Father, from whom every good and perfect gift comes. 

Jesus used the expression “all creation” which refers us back to the curses in Genesis 3 that fell not only on sinners but on the environment as well. 

** Three signs for three levels powers: the power over demons, the power over languages, and the power over sicknesses. 

1) The power over demons, i.e., the power and authority to drive out demons in Jesus’ name (for Jesus’ power is greater than the power of the devil, which has been made clear through Jesus rising again). 

2) The power over languages, that is, the ability to speak foreign languages (for this miracle is to undo what has gone awry – language getting confused due to man’s rebellion in Genesis 11).

3) The power of healing the sick. 

** These signs work as “pointers” pointing men to the Risen Jesus. This is like the road sign, “San Diego 70 miles” pointing a driver to the direction of San Diego. Signs are not purposes in themselves, but means. We should therefore never put the cart in front of the horse, so to speak. 

The key is faith and not the signs. The promises on these signs then point to the importance of faith in the Risen Lord Jesus. 


Vs. 19-20 say that the Risen Lord works with his disciples and confirms his word by the signs that accompany it. What does the “on-going” work of the Risen Lord tell us about the practical way to personally experience the power of resurrection? 

** To have faith in the Risen Jesus and share the good news with others. 

The end. 



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