
0 Have faith in God

Mark 11:12-25

Key Verse 11:22

"Have faith in God," Jesus answered.

In this passage we pray to learn the faith that solves men's fundamental problem, that is, the problem of sin (and Satan), and thereby secures God's kingdom in all who believe in Him. 

1. Read v. 12. This passage says that Jesus was hungry.  What does this tell us about Jesus? (John 1:14; Phil 2:5-7)  

** It shows Jesus' humanity, that is, he is wearing a body like we all do.

** He became like one of us, so that we can easily identify ourselves with Jesus (who although he is God became like us), and be encouraged to overcome our weaknesses and grow as God's children. 

2.  Read v. 13.  Jesus saw “a fig tree in leaf.”  The first time fig leaves are mentioned in the Bible is when Adam and Eve used them as “coverings” after they sinned (see Genesis 3:7).  What does making “coverings” suggest about the problem Adam and Eve had after sinning?  How does this problem persist in the lives of many today?

** They had a sense of guilt and shame, indicating that they found themselves to be "no good." 

** Still many do not like themselves. They try to do what is good, but fail here and there. Then they end up hating themselves more. Some even commit suicide, despite so many good physical endowments such as good looks or lots of money  stashed away in their bank accounts. 

3. Read v. 14. Could Jesus’ curse on the tree be a herald of good news about the true remedy to the problem suffered by the descendants of the first Adam?

** Yes.

** In v. 25  the word [your] "sins" is found and this indicates that by learning to put trust in Jesus and his work, he wants his disciples to have hope to completely overcome not only their sins, but also the sins of all peoples on earth.

4. Read vs. 15-19 along with 1 Cor 16:19-20.  The temple is described as “a house of prayer for all nations.”  What do the expressions ‘My house’ and ‘prayer’ indicate about God’s desire for men? (Exodus 25:8; Gen 12:2-3)  What do Jesus’ actions (i.e., clearing the temple and teaching God’s Word from there) show about the ultimate purpose of Jesus’ coming? (Col 1:21-23)

** Fellowship between God and men, so that as one remains in this fellowship, one can live as a source of blessing for all peoples on earth.

** His purpose is all of our sins be forgiven, and that we grow in his image until we can all sparkle like beautiful jewels in a crown (Zec 9:16,17). 

5. Read vs. 20-21.  Many ‘saw’ but only Peter ‘remembered’ and spoke to Jesus.  What can we learn from him?

** He had a learning mind. A learning mind is the top quality of a disciple, for one of the meanings of the word disciple is a learner. You cannot grow up unless you first learn. And he had Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.

6. Read vs. 22-23. Jesus said, “Have faith in God” rather than in someone or something else.  Why do you think Jesus said this? (Mark 10:27)  Did Jesus’ disciples ever throw physical mountains into the Mediterranean Sea by faith?  Why do you think Jesus talked about throwing a mountain? 


** Jesus wants us to put trust in God, for while we can do many things on our own, or money can do many things for us, no one or nothing can resolve our sin problem. Only God can have our sin problems resolved completely.

** I do not think so.

** Mountain is a figure of speech, symbolizing something that is immovable. Jesus then later talks about sin problems. So perhaps Jesus talked about the mountain to give us the hope to have our sins forgiven, and learn to live together in God.

7. Read vs. 24-25.  Do you have any grudges against anyone?  Do you find it difficult to forgive that person?  Why do you think Jesus said, “ that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins”? This passage starts with Jesus seeing a fig tree in leaf and ends with Jesus talking about the forgiveness of sins.  Why is sin such an important issue of life?  How can we have this problem of sin completely resolved?

** Yes. Deep down in my heart, I always find one or two people whose names I carefully try never to even mention. Of course I say ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ to them if I have to, but, not fully from the bottom of my heart. 

The word "hold" also points out my problem: I never really forget and let go of any thing that is bad, or mistakes, errors, or blunders people did to me.

** He wants me to see myself from God's perspective. Perhaps what Jesus has in mind in framing this passage includes something like, "God is perfect, but you are not. Yet, God forgave you. Who then are you that you cannot forgive others of their sins against you?"

** Sin is an enemy to relationships.

** By faith in Jesus who died on the cross for our sins.

The end. 

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