
And He Will Be Their Peace

And He Will Be Their Peace

Micah 4:1-5:5

Key Verse 5:5

This passage teaches us what the Savior (who came and is to come again) is going to do for us, and in view of what he is going to do, how we should avail ourselves to all the blessings he is going to bring about in due course of time.

Read 4:1,2. How is the mountain of the Lord described? Why will people stream to it? Why is it important: 1) to “know” his ways; and 2) to “walk” in his paths? Why do many end up not walking in his paths even after coming to know his ways? 

** It is described as “chief” meaning the most prominent, higher, and better than all the rest. [The word “mountain” or “mountains” is a metaphor for the way or ways of life, such as ideas, philosophies, religions, isms, etc.]

** They will all do so to listen to the Lord speaking.

** 1) Knowing is the key to “walking”.

2) Without knowing it is impossible to walk in his paths.

** Arguably it is because their knowledge of the Lord’s ways is incomplete. 

Read verse 3. Why is it important to have the Lord judge and settle the disputes among people? What will happen when the Lord does this? 

** Men are incomplete, and subject to mistakes, errors, weaknesses, and other defects such as personal bias, selfishness, sin problems, etc. But the Lord is different. He alone is perfect in knowledge and understanding. He is free from all the defects men have. 

** People will no longer fight with each other.  

Read verse 4. What is the effect (on every man) of the Lord who has spoken? What does this teach us about the way for people to get along with one another? 

** An environment in which everyone can run a peaceful life will be created.

** Have God’s words in one’s heart. Isaiah 11:9


Read verse 5. Who are “we”? What does the word “will” [instead of “may”] indicate about the way for those who love the Lord and obey him to overcome peer pressure? Why is it important to walk in the name of the Lord “for ever and ever”? 

** Each person must make a personal decision whom to follow and how to live [regardless what others are doing]. You should not say, “I sinned, for this is what all others are doing.” This is not the way of truth. One should not say, “The devil made me do it.” This is a lame excuse. 

So the way to overcome peer pressure (coming from people practicing idolatry) is for each person to listen to the Lord, internalize his word, and then walk in his paths. 

** It is important because God created time as a testing device, so that as we walk in his name, the Lord can mold us into His character. The truth is that godly character is not formed overnight. Just like diamond is shaped because of pressures and conflicts, so also godly character is formed as one keeps loving the Lord despite adversities. 


5. Read 4:6-5:1. This passage talks about God’s training for the chosen people Israel (i.e., Babylonian captivity), particularly for those who are in leadership positions, and the good that will come out of it. What does this passage tell us about the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? Why is it important to know the Lord’s purpose?

** It is to bring what is incomplete complete, imperfect perfect. 

** When we know the purpose, we can take heart, and receive the Lord’s discipline with joy, without losing heart, becoming thankful, loving the Lord all the more and better.

Read 5:2-5. How is the Savior to be born (and who was indeed born) in Bethlehem described? What blessings will he bring to the people on earth? What does the word “rule” or “shepherd” indicate about the way for one to live under His blessings?  

** A ruler and a shepherd

** He will create a safe environment in which each person can enjoy their life to the full.

** Two things: 1) We must curb our human pride, deny our own ideas and thoughts, and then submit ourselves to His rule, for a ruler is the one who issues orders; 2) We must listen to his voice and follow his words. Otherwise, we will end up going astray, only to be lost. 

The end



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