Meet the Bridegroom
Key Verse 1: “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.”
Look at vs. 1. Why do you think the Kingdom of Heaven is described as being like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom? Who do you think the bridegroom is? Who do you think the ten virgins are?
Look at vs. 2-4. What do you think the lamps represent? Why do you think each virgin had their own ‘lamp’? What do you think the ‘flasks of oil’ represent?
Look at vs. 5-6. Why do you think the ten virgins become drowsy and fall asleep? How did they wake up? Why is this significant? Why do you think the bridegroom came at midnight and did not wait til the next morning?
Look at vs. 7-9. What do you think ‘trimmed their lamps’ means? Why do you think the 5 virgins who had oil for their lamps, didn’t just share the light from their lamps with the other five? Who do you think the ‘dealers’ represent? How do you think you ‘buy’ this ‘oil’?
Look at vs. 10-13. Why do you think the door was shut on the 5 virgins who went to buy oil? Why do you think the bridegroom says he ‘doesn’t know them’? After reading this parable, what do you think it means to “keep watch”?
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