
So Will be the Coming of the Son of Man

Matthew 24:23-28

Key Verse 27: “For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”

  1. Summarize the verses that have led up to today’s passage: What has happened so far during the end times timeline?

    1. Where do you think today’s passage takes place during the end times?

  2. Look at verses 23 & 26. How will many people react to the appearance of false christs and false prophets?

  3. Look at verses 23-26. What tactics will false christs and false prophets use to lead people astray, if possible, even the elect?

    1. Why do you think these tactics might be effective? What can we do to not be led astray?

  4. Look at verse 27. What will the coming of the Son of Man be like? Why will we not need someone to tell us where to look to see him?

  5. Look at verse 28. What might the phrase “Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather” mean in the context of today's passage?

    1. What do you think the ‘corpse’ could be?

    2. Who could the 'vultures' be that are gathering in today's passage?

    3. What do vultures do when they gather around a corpse? What could this symbolism reveal about false christs, false prophets, and the end times?

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