Surely This Was a Righteous Man
Luke 23:44-56
Key Verse 47
“The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.”
1. Read verses 44-46. What happened while Jesus was dying on the cross? (44, 45). Why was the curtain of the temple torn in two? What did Jesus say before He breathed His last and what can we learn from His words? (46).
2. Read verses 47-49. What did the centurion do after witnessing Jesus die on the cross? (47). What did the people do? (48) How did those who knew and followed Jesus respond to Jesus’ death on the cross? (49)
3. Read verses 50-56. Who was Joseph? (50, 51) What did he do? (52, 53) How did Jesus’ burial fulfill prophecy? (Isa 53:9) When was the time of Jesus’ burial? (54) Who witnessed Jesus’ burial to the last moment? (55) What did they prepare? (56)
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