
A thank offering to the LORD���

A Thank Offering to the LORD

Leviticus 23:1-44

Key Verse 22:29

Read Leviticus 22:29. This passage indicates that one of the characteristics of "a thank offering to the Lord" is an act of "sacrifice" on our part. Why then should we "sacrifice" anything in giving thanks to the Lord? [Or "Why is sacrifice on our part necessary in giving thanks to the Lord?”] What does the phrase "on your behalf" tell us about the one who benefits from such an offering (of thanksgiving to the Lord)?

Skim through the chapter 23 and think about the following expressions: "my appointed feasts" (2); "the appointed feasts of the Lord" (2,44); or "the Lord's appointed feasts" (4,37). What do these expressions indicate about the "point" of these feasts? About our life in the Lord? 

How many times is the expression "sacred assembly" repeated? What does "sacred" mean? What does this expression tell us about the nature of the feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23?

What do the following words (or expressions) stand for? 1) Sabbath; 2) Passover; 3) Unleavened bread; 4) a sheaf of the first grain (10); 5) firstfruits (17,20); 6) trumpet blasts; 7) the Day of Atonement (Deu 32:43); and 8) [the Lord's feast of] Tabernacles.

Think about the offering (or offerings) to be brought to the Lord on each feast (except the Sabbath). Why do you think the Lord commanded the Israelites to bring them to the Lord? What do these commands indicate about the way to offer thanks to the Lord? 

** Share a testimony on one thing you learned about the way to give thanks to the Lord. 

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