

Unless You Believe That I Am He

John 8:21-30
Key Verse 24: ”I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”

  1. Look at verses 21-24. Why do you think Jesus told the people three times that they will die in their sins? What could they do to not die in their sins(24) What does Jesus mean when he said ”I am he.”?

    1. In what way does Jesus’ statement in verse 23 add impact to his words? Why should we be careful to seek Jesus’ perspective over our own?

  2. V25-27. What had Jesus been telling them from the beginning? Why do you think the people did not know who Jesus was or that he was speaking to them about the Father?

  3. V28-30. What will happen when the Son of Man is lifted up? What does this imply we should do if we don't understand something about Jesus or the Father? Why doesn't the Father ever leave Jesus according to verse 29? What can we learn from this?

  4. What did you learn from today’s passage or what stuck out to you?

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