He Went up, but in Private
Key Verse 10: “But after his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not publicly but in private.”
Look at verse 1. Where was Jesus operating? Why didn’t Jesus go to Judea? What does this reveal about the places where Jesus wants to go?
V2-9. What is the Feast of Booths?(Leviticus 23:33-43) What did Jesus’ brothers encourage Jesus to do and why?(3-5) Why didn’t Jesus go at that time?(6-8) Why didn’t Jesus work openly?(7)
V10-13. Why were the Jews looking for Jesus at the Feast of Booths? What did the people who gathered at the Feast say about Jesus?(12) Why did they not speak openly?(13) Why do you think Jesus went up to the Feast privately and in secret? How might Jesus’ work be connected to the Feast of Booths?
What did you learn from today’s passage or what stuck out to you?
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