I Am The Bread Of Life
Key Verse 35
“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.’”
Look at verses 30-31. What did the people ask Jesus to do? Why? What ‘evidence’ did they give to Jesus to ask for such a request?
Look at verses 32-34. Who did Jesus say gave them the bread from heaven? Why do you think Jesus told them this? What did Jesus say this bread from Heaven actually is? What does this ‘bread’ do? How is this bread different from the bread the people were asking for?
Look at verses 35-36. What is Jesus revealing when he says: “I Am the bread of life”? What do you think “whoever comes to me shall not hunger; and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” means? Jesus said “You have seen me, but you do not believe”, what do you think it means to see and not believe?
Look at verses 37-38. Who comes to Jesus? What does it mean that He will “never cast out those who come to Him”? What is the relationship between “never casting them out” and “doing the will of Him who sent me”?
Look at verses 39-40. What two things does Jesus do for those the Father has given Him? Why is it important to know this about Jesus and the Father, and their relationship to us? What does it mean to have eternal life and be raised up on the last day?
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