Where Are We To Buy Bread?
Key Verse 05: “Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”
Look at verses 1-4. Where did Jesus go? Why were the crowds following him?(2) Today’s passage took place during the Passover Feast. How might today’s passage be connected to the Passover?
V5-6. When Jesus saw the crowd coming toward him, what was his concern? Why do you think Jesus “tested” Phillip by asking him “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”
V7-9 How did Philip react to the crowd and to Jesus' question? How did Andrew respond? How might we react when we encounter a situation we don't know how to handle?
V10-11. What did Jesus do? Why might it be significant that Jesus commanded the people to sit down on the grass? How did Jesus feed all 5000 people? Why do you think he gave thanks before he distributed the food?
V12-13. Why do you think Jesus told the disciples to gather the leftover fragments so that nothing may be lost? Why do you think that exactly 12 baskets were filled with leftovers afterwards?
V14-15. How did the people respond to this sign? How did Jesus respond to the crowd?
This is the 4th sign in John's gospel. What do you think is unique about this sign? How does this sign reveal who Jesus is?
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