

I Am He

John 4:16-30
Key Verse 26: “Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.”

  1. Recap John 4:1-15. What has happened so far? Read verses 13-15. What did the woman ask Jesus to give her?

  2. V16. Why does Jesus tell the woman to “Go, call your husband, and come here”?

  3. V17-18. How did the woman respond when Jesus told her to call her husband? Why do you think she responded this way? How did Jesus respond to her? Why did Jesus reveal her past relationships?

  4. V19-26. Compare the woman’s view of worship with Jesus’ view of worship, what is the emphasis? Why do you think the Father is seeking people that will worship in spirit and truth? How can we worship in spirit and truth?

  5. V25-26. What does Jesus mean when he says “I am he”? What do you think this revelation meant to the woman?

  6. V27. What did the disciples not understand about what Jesus was seeking or why he was talking with her?

  7. V28-30. What does leaving her water Jar behind represent? What did the woman do after talking with Jesus? Why do you think she did this? What message did the woman share with the people in her town? What effect did the woman’s message have on the people? What does this show about the power of sharing our personal testimony with others?

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