


John 2:23-3:8

Key Verse 5

“Jesus answered, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’”

  1. Vs 2:23. Where was Jesus during the Passover? What did the people do? Why?

  2. Vs 2:24-25. Why did Jesus not entrust Himself to them? What is it He knew about them and what was in them?

  3. Vs 3:1-2. Who was Nicodemus? What does his name mean? Looking at what Nicodemus said, what was his purpose in visiting Jesus? Why do you think he visited Jesus at night?

  4. Vs 3:3-4. How did Jesus’ response answer what Nicodemus came to Jesus for? What do you see is the connection between being “born again” and “seeing the Kingdom of God”? How did Nicodemus respond to Jesus’ words? Why?

  5. Vs 3:5-7. From Jesus’ response, what does it mean to be “born again? Think about and discuss the contrast and difference between the flesh and the Spirit. Why do you think it is so difficult to reconcile (or marvel at) the idea of being “born again”?

  6. Vs 3:8. How does the Spirit operate? Why is this important to know?

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