Come And You Will See
John 1:35-42 Key Verse 39: “He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.”
Look at verses 35-37. What did John the baptist do when he saw Jesus? What happened as a result of John the baptist’s witness? What does this teach us about being a witness and how we can help make disciples of Jesus?
V38. What question did Jesus ask the two new disciples? Why do you think Jesus asked them this question? Why is this question important to ask new curious disciples?
What question did the disciples ask Jesus? Why was this a good answer?
V39. Jesus said to the two disciples “Come and you will see”. What does this mean? How might this statement have been a challenge to the new disciples?
Why do you think it is important that the two disciples did not settle to only hear John the Baptist, or even settle with meeting Jesus? Why is it important that they went with Jesus, saw where he stayed, and stayed with him? What does this reveal about what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus?
40-42. What important work did Andrew do in these verses? What effect did it have?
What do you think Andrew may have had to go through to “find” his brother, witness “we have found the messiah”, and to “bring” him to Jesus? What does this reveal about the work of witnessing about Jesus to others?
42. What happened to Simon when he met Jesus? What does the name Simon mean? What does the name Peter mean? What does this name change infer about Peter’s new identity in Jesus?
Personal reflection: Did Jesus change you after you met him? What new name did he give you?
Note: Simeon = Heard,
Peter/Cephas = Rock or Stone
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