
Do you truly love me more than these���


John 21:1- 25

Key verse: 21:15 

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”


Read verses 1-6.  Where and to whom does the risen Jesus appear again? (1-2, 14; Mt 26:32)  What does Peter and the disciples want to do and what is the result? (3) How might they feel after catching nothing? How does Jesus help their fishing journey? (4-6)  

Read verses 7-14. Who recognizes Jesus first? (7a; Lk 5:1-11)  What do Peter and the other disciples do? (7b-8)  How does Jesus serve the disciples? (9-13) How successful is their fishing? (11) How may they feel when Jesus serves them? (12-13)

Read verse 15-17. After eating, what does Jesus say and why? (15) What did Jesus ask Peter? (15-17) What does he mean “truly love Jesus more than these”?  Why does Jesus ask Peter three times? What was Peter’s response and Jesus’ command each time? (15-17)


Read verses 18-25. What will happen to Peter when he is old? (18,19a) What does Jesus say to Peter? (19b) Why did Peter ask about John? (20-21) What is Jesus’ answer? (22-23) How does the author conclude? (24-25) 

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