


(2007 West Coast UBF Summer Bible Conference – Lesson II)


John 4:27-42 

Key Verse 4:34 


                “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” 


Read verses 27-30. Why were the disciples surprised when they returned from buying food? How can we tell that living was flowing from within this woman? What is the practical change in a person who drinks Jesus' living water?

Read verses 31-34. Why did Jesus refuse the disciples' food? What is Jesus’ food? What was the will of God and the work of God that Jesus was doing? Why do you think Jesus compared doing the will of God and finishing his work to food? How might this be applicable to your life? 

Read verses 35-36. What two harvests was Jesus referring to? What did he mean by “fields” when he said, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”? What harvest was being reaped at that moment? (28-30) How is this harvest related to Jesus’ food and doing the will of God? 

Read verses 36-38. Who are the sowers and the reapers that Jesus is talking about? What hard work have the sowers done that Jesus says the fields are already “ripe” for harvest? Jesus said, “Open your eyes.” What vision did Jesus want his disciples to have? In what sense are all parties blessed? 

Read verses 39-42. How did the Samaritans first come to believe in Jesus? Why did many more become believers? What was the people’s confession about Jesus to the woman? How can we know for ourselves who Jesus really is? What does their confession show about the true meaning of harvesting? Read verse 4 again and think about why Jesus “had to go through Samaria.” How can you reap a harvest for God? 

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