


(2007 West Coast UBF Summer Bible Conference – Lesson I)


John 4:1-26 

Key Verse 4:26 


                Then Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.” 


Read verses 1-6. Who were the Pharisees and what did they hear about Jesus? In what sense was this a good thing, but also a problem? Why did Jesus decide to go to Galilee? Where did he stop along the way? 

Read verses 7-10. What was unusual about this woman coming to the well at that particular time? What did Jesus ask her? Why did she refuse? What did Jesus offer her? What does this offer reveal about this woman and about Jesus? 

Read verses 11-14. How did the woman respond? What does this show about her? What, according to Jesus, is the difference between the water from Jacob’s well and the water he gives?  

Read verses 15-18. What did the woman ask Jesus for? What did he tell her to do? What does her answer reveal about her? Why do you think Jesus brought up such a painful and sensitive topic? 

Read verses 19-24. What did the woman think of Jesus now? (19) Why do you think she brought up the controversy about which place to worship at? What did Jesus teach her about true worship and God?

Read verses 25-26. Why was the woman looking for the Messiah? What did Jesus reveal to her? What did this mean to the woman? What does this mean to you?

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