

 True Worship

(2005 Summer Bible Conference-Main Lecture III)

John 4:1-42

Key verse 4:23-24

Read verses 1-10. Why did Jesus go through Samaria?  What was unusual about the woman coming to the well at that time?  What does their conversation in verses 7-10 reveal about each of them?  What do you think “living water” is?  


Read verses 11-14.  What does the woman’s response show about her (11-12)?  What, according to Jesus, is the difference between the water from Jacob’s well and the water he gives (13-14)? 

Read verses 15-18.  What did the woman ask Jesus for (15)?  Yet what was Jesus’ response (16a)?  What does her answer reveal about her (17a)?  What was her life-long problem (17b-18)?    

Read verses 19-22.  Why do you think the woman suddenly brought up the controversy between the Jews and Samaritans over which mountain to worship on?  What did Jesus reveal about that controversy (21)?  What was the meaningful difference between the worship of the Jews and the Samaritans (22)?  

Read verses 23-24.  What did Jesus reveal about true worship?  What do you think it means to worship the Father in spirit and truth?  Why does the Father seek such worshipers?  How can the woman practically worship the Father?  

Read verses 25-26.  Why was the Samaritan woman looking forward to the coming of the Messiah?  What did Jesus reveal to her about himself?  What does this revelation mean for this woman?  What does it mean for you?  

Read verses 27-42.  How was this woman changed through her encounter with Jesus (28-29)?  What vision did Jesus share with his disciples (34-38)?  What was the fruit of Jesus’ conversation with a Samaritan woman (39-42)?  

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