
True Worship���

 True Worship

John 4:1-42

Key verse 4:23-24

Read verses 1-10. Why did Jesus go through Samaria?  

Since Samaria was between Judea and Galilee, going through Samaria was the logical choice.  Although many Jews avoided Samaria because they disliked Samaritans, Jesus wasn’t bothered by Samaritans.  

What was unusual about the woman coming to the well at that time?  

Usually, women went to the well early in the morning, when the temperature was still cool, and they could get the water they needed for the day.  It was also a good time for the women of the to chat with each other.  

What does thier conversation in verses 7-10 reveal about each of them?  

Jesus opened up a conversation with the woman out of compassion for her, and he gently spoke to her about such good-sounding things as “the gift of God” and “living water.”  Jesus was overflowing with the love and compassion of God–like a spring fountain.

Her response to Jesus was cold and harsh. She had no compassion for a thirsty traveler. 

**We can see a clear contrast between Jesus’ overflowing heart and her dried-up heart.  

What do you think “living water” is?  

Living water is the “gift of God” (vs. 10), so only Jesus, the Son of God, can give this gift.  What is it?  It is the Holy Spirit.  There are several passages in the Bible that tell us this:

-John 7:37-39: 

37On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.  38Whoever believes in me, as t he Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.”  39By this he meant the Holy Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.  Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.

-Acts 2:38:

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  

-Ephesians 2:17-18:

17He [that is, Jesus,] came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.  18For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

**Through faith in Jesus we receive the gift of God, the Holy Spirit.  Remember that since this is the “gift of God,” it is the best gift that can ever be given or received.  What is better than receiving God himself?  God said to Abram, “I am your...very great reward.” (Gen 15:1b)


Read verses 11-14.  What does the woman’s response show about her (11-12)?  

She didn’t understand what Jesus was talking about.  As Jesus said, she knew neither the gift of God nor who she was talking to (vs. 10).  

What, according to Jesus, is the difference between the water from Jacob’s well and the water he gives (13-14)? 

The key difference is in their ability to quench thirst.  The water from Jacob’s well quenches thirst only temporarily, so those who drink from it become thirsty again and again.  So this woman had to go out every day to draw water from the well.  

But the water Jesus gives quenches our thirst completely and forever.  

Why is there this difference?  For one thing, Jacob’s well is an external source of water, but the water Jesus gives is an internal source.  Our bodies are continually using water, so the water must be replaced on a constant basis.  Since this source of water is not only outside our bodies, but outside the town, anyone who drinks it soon needs more, feels thirsty, and has to go get more.  The water that Jesus gives, on the other hand, becomes a spring of water welling up inside of the person who drinks it.  When you have a spring of water welling within you, you don’t need to go anywhere to get a drink–you already have all you need (and even more) welling up within you.  

Read verses 15-18.  What did the woman ask Jesus for (15)?  

She asked him for living water, although she didn’t know what she was talking about.

Yet what was Jesus’ response (16a)?  

He told her to go, call her husband, and come back.  

What does her answer reveal about her (17a)?  

She was ashamed of her past, so she tried to hide it.  

What was her life-long problem (17b-18)?    

She had sought happiness in the love of men. But in doing so, she only became thirsty again and again because she was trying to satisfy her spiritual thirst for God with men.  Genesis 2:7 shows that God made man with both body and spirit.  The body needs physical things (created things), but the spirit needs the Creator.  This need is our primary need.  Even if all our physical needs are met, we cannot be happy without meeting this spiritual need.  She needs to have spiritual fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit (drink living water).  

**Think about how people try to find satisfaction of soul in sources other than God.  

Read verses 19-22.  Why do you think the woman suddenly brought up the controversy between the Jews and Samaritans over which mountain to worship on?  

She had a deep desire to worship God. Maybe after many years of not being satisfied by men, she thought more seriously about worshiping God.  But she was not satisfied with merely following what her people did–she wanted to know the truth about worshiping God.  

What did Jesus reveal about that controversy (21)?  

It is a pointless controversy because location is irrelevant to true worship.  

What was the meaningful difference between the worship of the Jews and the Samaritans (22)?  

The meaningful difference was that the Samaritans did not know God, but the Jews did. God reveals himself through his word, and he entrusted his word to the Jews first.  Knowing God is essential to salvation, and so the difference between knowing God and not knowing him is crucial.  This is why it is so important to study and teach the Bible.  

Read verses 23-24.  What did Jesus reveal about true worship?  

True worshipers worship in spirit and truth.  The Father seeks true worshipers.  

What do you think it means to worship the Father in spirit and truth?  

There are two ways to worship the Father–true worship and false worship. True worship is to worship in spirit because worship is, by definition, a spiritual act.  It requires not just outward devotion, but inner devotion.  Many people rely on outward things, such as going to church, to worship God, but their hearts are far from God.  That is not true worship. True worship means spiritual devotion to God.  To worship in truth is similar.  First, truth is the word of God–we need to come to the word of God to know him and worship him truly.  To worship in truth also means that our outward and inward devotion to God matches.  If a person looks very religious yet is seeking something other than God, such as the praise of men, then it is false worship.  

Why does the Father seek such worshipers?  

Because he is spirit.  

How can the woman practically worship the Father?  

Instead of devoting her hear, mind, and soul to seeking the love of men, she must come to Jesus and ask him for living water, receive the Holy Spirit, and devote herself to God.  

Read verses 25-26.  Why was the Samaritan woman looking forward to the coming of the Messiah?  

Because he would answer all her questions. She was looking for the person who could tell her the absolute truth.  Also, Messiah means “Savior.” She was looking for the Savior.  

What did Jesus reveal to her about himself?  

He is the Messiah.  

What does this revelation mean for this woman?  

Jesus is the one she has been looking for–the one who can give her the satisfaction she truly desires through a living relationship with the Father.  

What does it mean for you?  

It means t hat I must come to Jesus for salvation, for living water, and for a living relationship with the Father.  

Read verses 27-42.  How was this woman changed through her encounter with Jesus (28-29)?  

She was no longer ashamed, but she became a powerful witness to all her neighbors. 

What vision did Jesus share with his disciples (34-38)?  

The vision of the ripe harvest field. Jesus wanted them to share in his joy–the joy he experienced in saving the Samaritan woman.  

What was the fruit of Jesus’ conversation with a Samaritan woman (39-42)?  

Many Samaritans came to believe in Jesus–a spiritual harvest.  

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