

  The way of love

Hebrews 13:1-25

Key Verse 13:1

1. Read verses 1-3. How many categories of people are mentioned and what are they? What does the author of the epistle exhort his flock to do in regard to each group? 

2. Read verse 4. What does it mean to "honor" marriage? Can you think of any examples recorded in the Bible where God judged the adulterer and all the sexually immoral? 

3. Read verses 5-6. What does the expression "keep your lives free from" [especially the word "free"] indicate about "the love of money"? Why should we keep our lives free from the love of money? How can one "free himself from the love of money"? (5b-6)

4. Read verses 7-8. Verse 7 indicates that leaders are charged with the duty to speak "the word of God". How is "the word of God" related to "Jesus Christ" described in verse 8?  

5. Read verses 9-16, and describe: 1) example(s) of "strange" teachings; 2) the meaning of the "altar" (as described in verse 10); 3) the purpose of Jesus' sufferings (outside the city gate); and 4) the duties we have in the Lord (15-16). 

6. Read verse 17. Why should we obey our leaders?

7. Read vs. 18-25. What does this passage tell us about: 1) God; 2) our Lord Jesus; 3) [people who are described as] "we" (in verse 18) or "I" (in verse 19); and 4) the people described as "you" (mentioned in verses 19,21-25)?


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