

Hebrews 12:14-29

Key Verse 12:22

1. The key verse shows that Christians are called to live in the city of the living God.  With this in mind what does the author of the Hebrews exhort us to do (and not to do) in verses 14-17?  In what respect are these things challenging?  How can we live these out? (Verse 15; 2Cor 5:17; Phil 4:13)

2. Verses 18-24 contrast two mountains: Mt. Sinai (verses 18-21; Ex 19:10-25) and Mt. Zion (22-24).  How are the two different?  Who are the residents of Mt. Zion?  What does “you have come” in verse 22 indicate about the present status of the members of the church? (Eph 2:6)

3. In verse 25, God is described as “him who speaks.”  What does this expression—especially the word ‘speaks’—tell us about 1) the way God communicates His plan and purpose to His children and 2) the way for His children to benefit from His speech? 

4. In the Old Testament God spoke to His people from earth through His servant Moses.  The location from which God speaks has shifted from earth to heaven.  This indicates that believers in the New Testament era are in a better position to understand God’s word than those in the Old Testament era.  What does Scripture say about this change? (verse 24; John 14:16, 16:13; Mark 13:10; Dan 12:4)

5. Please consider the words ‘refuse’ and ‘refused’ in verse 25.  How do people refuse Jesus?

6. What does the word ‘escape’ suggest about one of the reasons people refuse Him?  But, what will happen to those who refuse Him? (Verses 26-27; 28b; Rev 20:8; John 15:4-6; Matt 7:24-27)

7. What do the following exhortations suggest about the problems many suffer despite the Lord God’s continuous grace to them?

1) Let us be thankful, and so

2) Worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. 

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