

Breath On Those Slain

Ezekiel 37:1-14
Key Verse 37:9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”


  1. What is the state of Israel at the time of Ezekiel’s vision? (Eze 36:17-21) How is the state of Israel similar to a valley full of bones? Why do you think the Lord led Ezekiel around to show him that there were very many bones and that the bones were very dry? What question does God ask Ezekiel; why?


  1. Look at verses 4-6. Who does God tell Ezekiel to prophesy to? What is he told to prophesy? What does it mean to prophesy? How might this have been a test of faith for Ezekiel? How might this scenario come up in our lives?

  2. Look at verses 7-8. What did Ezekiel do? Describe what happened. What important step had been accomplished? What was still needed? (8b)


  1. Look at verse 9. Why do you think Ezekial is told to prophesy to the breath next? What is he told to prophesy? Why do you think Ezekial prophesied to the bones first and to the breath second as a 2 step process? What was Ezekiel’s part? What was God's part?

  2. What happened next in verse 10? By what means does God give life? Why do you think the life-giving Spirit of God is represented as our breath? What other passages can you think of where God is giving life through the Spirit or the breath?


  1. How did God help Ezekiel through this vision to understand the state of Israel and how they felt? What was Ezekiel told to prophesy to Israel? How did the vision show the effect that prophesying to Israel would have on them? What would Israel come to know through this?

  2. How can we apply today's passage to our ministry and personal life?

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