We Have Found Water
Genesis 26:17-33
Key Verse
25 “So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac's servants dug a well.”
What happened to the wells that were dug in the days of Abraham? What did Isaac do?
What happened after Isaac dug his first well? What did Isaac do?
What happened to the 2nd well and what did Isaac do?
What happened after Isaac dug a 3rd well? What did Isaac do this time?
Why do you think Isaac moved from the 3rd well, Rehoboth to Beersheba?
How might Isaac have felt after digging three wells and had now moved to another location without a well?
Look at 24-25. What happened in verse 24? What did Isaac do? What did his servants do? How might these events in verses 24-25 be interconnected?
Look at 26-31. What did abimelech acknowledge about Isaac two times? What did abimelech request of Isaac? What did Isaac do? Why?
Look at v 32-33. What happened the same day after Isaac forgave and made peace with his enemy abimelech? (32) How might his servants finding water be connected with forgiveness and peace?
Practically why were wells significant at that time and in that area? Symbolically, what might the wells represent?
How might water represent the Holy Spirit in today's passage? (John 7:37-39)
How might all of this be applied to us?
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