JBF Genesis Bible Study SWS 06/14/2009
Genesis 16:1-16
Key Verse: 16:2
So she said to Abram, "The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said.
Read V1-4a. What suggestion was Sarai made when she had borne Abram no children? How did Abram respond to that suggestion? What does this reveal about him?
Read V4b-6. What problem arouse in Abram’s family after Hagar became pregnant? How did Abram and Sarai deal with this problem? What happened to Hagar?
Read V7-10. What instruction did the angel of the Lord give to Hagar? What additional promise did he make? What can we learn about God?
Read V11-16. What prophesy did the angel of the Lord give to Hagar about the her descendants? How did she respond? What name did Abram give when Hagar bore him a son? How old was he at that time?
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