He Shall Bruise Your Head
Key Verse 15: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
Look at verses 1-6. What was the first thing the serpent said to the woman?(1) What does this reveal about Satan's strategy to deceive mankind? What false promise did the serpent make to Eve?(4-5)
V7-8. What did Adam and Eve do when they realized that they were naked; why do you think they did this?(7) Why do you think they hid when they heard the sound of the LORD? What does this reveal about the effects of sin on our relationship with God?
V9-13. Why do you think the LORD called to Adam saying: “Where are you”? When asked by God if they ate the fruit; why do you think Adam told God that the woman gave him the fruit? Why do you think the woman told God that the serpent deceived her?
V14-15. How did God curse the serpent? What could this curse have meant for Satan; how might it have changed him? What is the significance of the prophecy in verse 15? Who could the serpent's offspring/seed be? Who is the woman's offspring/seed? What does it mean that the serpent’s head will be bruised?
V16. How did God curse the woman and womankind? How do you think this curse changed things for women?
V17-19. How did God curse Adam? What changed about the life of mankind after the curse?
V20-24. How did Adam bless his wife?(20) What did God do for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness?(21) What is the clothing of animal skins a foreshadowing of? What happened as a result of man's sin?(22-24)
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