

The Full Rights of Sons


Galatians 3:26-4:31

Key Verse 4:6

"to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons."

1. In vs. 26-29 how is one brought into the family of God? (vs. 26)  Looking at vs. 27 and 28, are there any exclusions or exceptions to who may be brought into the family of God through faith?

2. In vs. 1,2, how is the heir as a child, no different from a slave?  Why does the father treat his son in this way?  Before one accepts Jesus, how are they like a slave (vs. 3)?

3. What did God do at the appointed time (vs. 4)?  What did this do for those under the law (vs. 5)?  What does God send into our hearts? (vs. 6a) What does this Spirit call out? (vs. 6)  Why?  What additional blessing does God grant his sons? (vs. 7)

4. In vs. 8, what was the spiritual state of the Galatians, before they heard the message of Jesus?(vs. 8)  What did they gain through hearing the message of God, from Paul. Yet, when they accepted other good sounding messages, what inpact did this have on their faith? (vs. 9,10)  What was Paul’s fear? (vs.11)

5. In vs. 12 what was Paul’s earnest request to the Galatians.?  What were the circumstances when Paul first preached ‘Jesus’ to the Galatians?  With what attitude did they welcome Paul and his message? (vs.14,15)?  After they accepted other messages, how had their attitude changed? (vs. 16)

6. What was the motive of those who Paul states “are zealous to win you over, but for no good.”? (vs. 17)  What were Paul’s intentions towards the Galatians?  (vs. 19)

7. In vs. 21-23, Paul was using the example of Ishmael and Isaac to illustrate the difference between a blessing obtained through the ordinary way, as opposed to a blessing obtained through the promise of God. Did the covenant given at Mt. Sinai give freedom to the Israelites? (vs. 24,25).  What is it that makes Jerusalem that is above to be free? (vs. 26-28).  What does Paul teach about the relationship between children born under the law, and children born as a result of the promise? (vs. 30,31)

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