He Baptized Him
Acts 8: 26-40 Key Verse 38: “And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.”
Look at verses 26-30. What happened to Phillip in verse 26? What did Phillip find when he followed the direction of the angel? Who was the eunuch and what was he doing? What did the Spirit tell Phillip? What did Phillip find when he followed the direction of the Spirit? What does this reveal about the Lord regarding those who are seeking him?
V30-31. What did Phillip ask the eunuch? Why? How did the eunuch respond? What can we learn from this interaction as bible teachers?
V32-35 What scripture was the eunuch reading? What did the passage from Isaiah 53:7-8 talk about? What was the eunuch’s question about the passage? How did Philip help him?
V36-39. What did the eunuch want to do after he learned about Jesus? What did he believe? Why is this an important step to take after receiving the good news about Jesus?
Why is it important that the eunuch was willing to stop the chariot in order to be baptized? What might we need to stop in our lives to be baptized in Jesus? Why might the statement “they both went down into the water” be important? What happened after they came up out of the water?
V39-40. What happened to Phillip? What did Phillip do? Why do you think he did this?
Looking at the passage as a whole, what can we learn from looking at the eunuch as a bible student? What can we learn by looking at Phillip as a bible teacher? What can we learn about how the Spirit works?
*Verse 37 And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
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