
Acts 2:1-47

Key Verse 42

“42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”


  1. What happened in Acts 1 to prepare the Apostles and set the stage for what happens in Acts 2?

  2. What is the day of Pentecost?

  3. What happened to the Apostles and disciples while they were all together? What came from heaven?

  4. What was their response to being filled with the Holy Spirit?


  1. What types of people were in Jerusalem at this time?

  2. What was their response to the sound? What was their question? (V8)

  3. What did the multitudes hear the disciples speaking in their native languages?

  4. Based on these verses, what can we expect to happen to us when we are filled with the Holy Spirit?


  1. How does Peter explain the event to the people?

(Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 16:8-11, Psalm 110:1 )

  1. What were the people’s response to Peter’s message? (V37)

  2. What did Peter tell them to do? (V38)

  3. What happened to those who received Peter’s words? (V41)


  1. What did they do after receiving the Holy Spirit and being baptized?

  2. What does it mean to be devoted to something?

  3. What does it mean to devote yourself to:

    1. The apostle’s teaching

    2. Fellowship

    3. The breaking of bread

    4. Prayers

  4. What happened after everyone devoted themselves? (V43)

  5. What effect did being devoted have on the people? (V44-47)

  6. What did the Lord do after they devoted themselves? (V47)

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