

They Were All Filled With The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-13
Key Verse 2:4

“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

Look at verses 1-2.

  1. Why might the LORD have chosen Pentecost (The Feast of Weeks) to first pour out the Spirit? (See Dt 16:9-12, Ex 34:21-24)

  2. What important work were the disciples doing in the ‘house’ on the day of Pentecost? (Acts 1:4-5, 12-14)

  3. What sound did the Spirit come with? What did the Spirit do to the house? Why?

Look at verses 3-4.

  1. Why might the Holy Spirit have appeared as ‘tongues of fire’ on each of them?

  2. What meaning is there for us that the Spirit is revealed to be like fire?

  3. What is the significance that the disciples were ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’?

Look at verses 5-15.

  1. Who was in Jerusalem and what did they hear?

  2. Why do you think the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the utterance to speak the mighty works of God in the tongues of all nations?

  3. What effect did this work of the Spirit have on the people? Why is this important?

  4. What’s the significance that some people were amazed at this event while others insulted, saying they drank new wine?

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