

JBF Acts Bible Study                                                                                Lecture 9


Acts 8:1-40

Key Verse: 8:4


“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”


Read verses 1-3. What happened to the church at Jerusalem after Stephen’s martyrdom?  Describe the two responses to Stephen’s martyrdom in verses 2-3. Who is Saul?

Read verses 4-8. What did the scattered believers do? Why? Who was Phillip? What did he do? How did God bless his ministry? What was being accomplished through the persecution? (Acts 1:8)

Read verses 9-13. Who was Simon? What message did Philip deliver? How did people respond? Read verses 14-17. How did the apostles in Jerusalem react to the news of God’s work in Samaria? How did God bless the Samaritan believers through them? What can we learn here about God’s way of working?

Read verses 18-25. What does Simon’s request reveal about his hidden motive? How did Peter deal with Simon? Read verses 26-29. Why did Philip leave a growing ministry in Samaria? Who did he meet? Think about Philip’s ready obedience to the Holy Spirit. How important is one man to God?


Read verses 30-40. What was the spiritual condition of the Ethiopian eunuch? How did Philip help him? What was the result? What did Philip continue to do?

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