
I Am a King

John 18:28-19:16

Key Verse: 18:37

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

Today’s passage revealed who Jesus was; the king of the Jews. It revealed that His kingdom is not of this world. It revealed why Jesus was flogged and mocked by soldiers. It all happened to fulfill the prophecy regarding Jesus. 

We will think about three topics in this passage. 

First, the place of Jesus’ kingdom. 

Second, Jesus’ suffering. 

Three, Lessons from Pilate, the religious leaders and Jesus. 

1. Read verses 28-32. Why did the Jews lead Jesus from Caiaphas to Pilate? (31b) How was the hypocrisy of the Jews exposed? (28b, 19:15) What did Pilate ask the Jews? (29) What did Pilate suggest? (31a) How did this fulfill Jesus’ words? (32, 3:14)

28 Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; they wanted to be able to eat the Passover.  29 So Pilate came out to them and asked, "What charges are you bringing against this man?"  30"If he were not a criminal," they replied, "we would not have handed him over to you."  31 Pilate said, "Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law." "But we have no right to execute anyone," the Jews objected.  32 This happened so that the words Jesus had spoken indicating the kind of death he was going to die would be fulfilled. 

1-1> Why did the Jews lead Jesus from Caiaphas to Pilate? (31b) 

(1) Because they wanted to kill Jesus but legally they did not have authority to execute him. 

They wanted Pilate to kill Jesus. 

(2) Because they knew that Pilate had no choice but to do what they wanted him to do. 

a. In the past, Jews complained to Rome about Pilate regarding his insensitivity

                 to Jewish religious traditions. 

b. The emperor Tiberius did not want any kind of rebellion among the Jews. 

c. Pilate had to please the Jews in order to maintain his political status. 

1-2> How was the hypocrisy of the Jews exposed? (28b, Jn 19:15)

(1) Outwardly, the Jews tried hard to be ceremonially clean and obey the Law. (v29) 

Inwardly, they were full of jealousy, covetousness and murder. (Mk 7:21-23)

(2) Outwardly, the Jews worshiped God as King and obeyed Him.  

Inwardly, they were idol worshipers and serving Caesar.  

Even openly, they are denying God as King. (Jn 19:15) 

(3) Application: 

How easy it is for us to try to be holy outwardly and be dirty and wicked inwardly 

We need to know the power of godliness; holiness. (2 Tim 3:5)

We need to refuse to have just a form of godliness; holiness. 

1-3> What did Pilate ask the Jews? (29)

Pilate asked the Jews to deal with him by their own laws. 

He did not want to involve with the Jewish religious issues.

1-4> What did Pilate suggest? (31a)

31 Pilate said, "Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law."  

1-5> How did this fulfill Jesus’ words? (32)

(1) Jesus prophesied that he must die. (Jn 3:14, 12:32,33)

The Jews planed to have him killed lawfully.  

(2) Jesus also prophesied how he dies. (Method of his death) 

Usually, the Jews would put Jesus be stoned to death instead of being crucified. 

But, Jesus said, he must be lifted up. (Jn 3:14, 12:32,33) 

Jesus died on the cross. 

To bore the curse of God

To redeem us from the curse of the Law. (Deut 21:23, Gal 3:13) 

2. Read verses 33-38a. What did Pilate ask Jesus? (33,35b) How did Jesus respond to Pilate’s questions? (34,36) How is Jesus’ kingdom different from kingdoms of this world? (36) What was Pilate’s response to Jesus’ answers? (37a, 38a) How did Jesus confirm that he is a king? (37b)

John 18:33-38a 

33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" 34 "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?" 35 "Am I a Jew?" Pilate replied. "It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?" 36 Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place." 37 "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." 38 "What is truth?" Pilate asked. 

2-1> What did Pilate ask Jesus? (33,35b) 

(1) Are you the king of the Jews? 

Pilate asked this because Jesus did not look like a king to fight against the Rome.  

(2) Am I a Jew? 

Pilate was not interested in knowing who Jesus was. 

He thought Jesus was a guy falsely accused. 

2-2> How did Jesus respond to Pilate’s questions? (34,36) 

34"Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?"  

(1) Jesus was asking whether Pilate had any desire to know who Jesus was. 

(2) Jesus was asking to clarify the fact that he was not a king like rival to the Rome. 

(3) Jesus wanted Pilate to know Him so that he might be saved. 

2-3> How is Jesus’ kingdom different from kingdoms of this world? (36) 

36 Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."  

The fundamental difference between the Jesus’ kingdom and worldly kingdom. 

(1) Origin is different: 

My kingdom is not of this world: My kingdom is from another place.  

Jesus’ kingdom originates in Heaven. 

His kingdom lasts forever. 

Worldly kingdom originates from the earth. 

They will temporarily serve God’s purpose and disappear. 

(2) The Battle is different: 

Jesus’ kingdom fights to save people from the power of sin and death. 

The battle is not against flesh and blood. (Eph 6:12)

This battle is spiritual battle against the power of darkness. 

2-4> What was Pilate’s response to Jesus’ answers? (37a, 38a) 

(1) You are a king, then

Pilate might be relieved that Jesus’ kingdom is not like political rival to the Rome. 

(2) What is truth? 

For Pilate, the truth of Jesus was meaningless. 

For Pilate, the Rome was truth. The power, money, pleasure were truth. 

He did not have any desire to seek the truth or know the truth.  

Sarcastic response clearly revealed that he did not care about the truth. 

(3) I find no basis for a charge against him. 

Pilate declares Jesus "not guilty." 

Jesus was declared innocent by Roman official. 

2-5> How did Jesus confirm that he is a king? (37b)

"You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

(1) For this reason I was born, 

Jesus was born to testify the truth.  

Jesus came into the world to show that he is the king. 

The truth is everything to Jesus. 

The purpose of his life is to testify the truth. 

The truth is the reason to live for. 

(2) The truth Jesus was talking about was that He is the king. 

(3) Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."  

Jesus believes that people who seek the truth will listen to Him. 

3. Read verses 38b-19:7. How did Pilate try to save Jesus? (38b-39,19:4, 6, 12) What was the Jew’s response? (40) How did Pilate and soldiers mock Jesus? (19:1-3,5) What was the Jew’s reaction? (6,7)

John 18:38b-19:7 

38 With this he went out again to the Jews and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him. 39 But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release 'the king of the Jews'?" 40 They shouted back, "No, not him! Give us Barabbas!" Now Barabbas had taken part in a rebellion. 1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe 3 and went up to him again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!" And they struck him in the face. 4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him." 5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, "Here is the man!" 6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, "Crucify! Crucify!" But Pilate answered, "You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him." 7 The Jews insisted, "We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God." 

3-1> How did Pilate try to save Jesus? (38b-39,19:4, 6, 12)

Pilate repeatedly said, “I found no basis for a charge against him.” Total three times (18:38, 19:4,7.) Pilate tried to release Jesus according to the custom of the Passover.

At the Passover, the Jews release one prisoner. 

Pilate compared the innocent Jesus and murderous Barabbas. 

He thought people would choose innocent Jesus. 

3-2> What was the Jew’s response? (40) 

The Jews wanted to condemn Jesus instead of Barabbas. 

How could the Jews turn so quickly against Jesus? 

They were disappointed because Jesus didn’t do what they wanted a Messiah to


There is a tendency in people to tear down the very heroes they have built up.

3-3> How did Pilate and soldiers mock Jesus? (19:1-3,5) 

(1) Previously, Pilate declared Jesus innocent, (Jn 18:38) 

But, he made Jesus be flogged, mocked and suffered without reason. 

Apostle John clearly showed the injustice of Pilate.

He clearly showed Jesus was suffered not because of his sin 

but because of injustice of Pilate, the Jews. 

(2) Brutal acts of Pilate

1. Physical Abuse: 

a. Have Jesus flogged (scourged,  whipped):   

Causes skin contusions, lacerations and bleedings. 

Pain and blood loss cause people to be unconscious. 

b. Have Jesus put a crown of thorns

Cause deep skin punctuation on scalp.   

c. Lack of sleep, food, water at that time. 

All caused generally weakened state in Jesus. 

Before crucifixion, His physical condition was serious and critical. 

These explain why Jesus died on the cross earlier. (Jn 19:33) 

2. Mental Abuse: Have Jesus mocked (v2b.3)

3-4> What was the Jew’s reaction? (6,7)

6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, "Crucify! Crucify!"  Pilate answered, "You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him."  7 The Jews insisted, "We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God."  

4. Read verses 19:8-16. Why was Pilate even more afraid? (7,8) What did Pilate ask Jesus? (9,10) How did Jesus answer him? (11) How did the Jews pressure Pilate to crucify Jesus? (12b, 15b) What was Pilate’s final decision about Jesus? (16) What can we learn from Jesus and Pilate? 

John 19:8-16 

8 When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, 9 and he went back inside the palace. "Where do you come from?" he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. 10 "Do you refuse to speak to me?" Pilate said. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." 12 From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews kept shouting, "If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar." 13 When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge's seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha). 14 It was the day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour. "Here is your king," Pilate said to the Jews. 15 But they shouted, "Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!" "Shall I crucify your king?" Pilate asked. "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered. 16 Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. 

4-1> Why was Pilate even more afraid? (7,8)

(1) Accusation to Jesus 

Political Reason: Jesus claimed to be the king of the Jews; 

They accused Jesus for political reason. 

Spiritual Reason; Jesus claimed to be God; the Son of God. 

The real reason, they accused Jesus was spiritual reason. 

To Jews, Jesus was blasphemy. 

(2) Pilate found out the true nature of the charge. 

He was more afraid of Jesus than ever. 

Because Jesus showed the dignity throughout this trial. 

4-2> What did Pilate ask Jesus? (9,10) 

, 9 and he went back inside the palace. "Where do you come from?" he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. 10 "Do you refuse to speak to me?" Pilate said. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"

(1) “Where do you come from?” Origin of Jesus

He wanted to check his origin 

because he wanted to confirm whether Jesus is the Son of God. 

(2) “Do you refuse to speak to me?” 

Pilate wanted to make sure Jesus knows his authority to free him or to crucify him

Pilate believed he had real political power. 

Pilate was boasting about his power. He knew what kind of power he had. But he did not know what kind of power Jesus had.

4-3> How did Jesus answer him? (11) 

11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."

(1) Jesus made it very clear that 

Pilate could have no power against him unless it had been given him from above.

Jesus knew that God is the one who has power, not Pilate. 

(2) Jesus did not talk to Pilate. 

Through this silence, Jesus obeyed God in order to fulfill the Scriptures. 

(3) The one who handed Jesus over to Pilate: the Jews are guilty of a greater sin. 

Jesus sees the justice of God and human responsibility of their wickedness. 

4-4> How did the Jews pressure Pilate to crucify Jesus? (12b, 15b) 

, but the Jews kept shouting, "If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar." (12b)

"We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered. (15b)

(1) Demand Pilate to be loyal to Caesar. 

They knew Pilate is submissive to Caesar. 

(2) Demand Pilate to crucify him. 

They provided the method of execution for Jesus. 

4-5> What was Pilate’s final decision about Jesus? (16) 

He handed Jesus over to the Jews to be crucified.

He surrendered to the power of evil. 

He chose to do the wrong even though he knew it was wrong. 

4-6> What can we learn from Jesus and Pilate? 

(1) Pilate: 

Pilate fully knew what was right and just. 

But he chose to sentence Jesus to death. 

So that he might keep his political, economical position. 

Without clear conviction for the value of the truth, 

We will eventually surrender to the money, power, and pleasure in this


We will eventually compromise the truth with the false. 

(2) The Jews: 

They rejected Jesus, God promised Messiah. 

By rejecting Jesus, they accepted Caesar as their king. 

This clearly showed that they were worshipping Idols. 

(3) Jesus: Jesus testified about the truth that he is a king and his kingdom is not of this world. He was abused and insulted but he was the king of the Jews.

In Conclusion, Jesus was suffered for our sins so that we can be forgiven. Pilate had chance to know Jesus, who is the King. But he chose his personal and financial security in this world. May God have mercy on us to choose Jesus the truth in this world. Amen.   


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