
Jesus Came to Call Sinners�

Jesus Came to Call Sinners

Luke 5:17-32

Key Verse 32 

“I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance”

Read verses 17-19. Who was there and why? (v.17) What did some men try to do? (v.18) What did they do to bring him to Jesus? (v.19) 

Read verses 20-26. How did Jesus see their action and why did he say concerning their action ‘your sins are forgiven’? (v.20) What did the Pharisees and the teachers of the law think about God’s forgiveness? (v.21) What authority does Jesus have and how did he prove it? (v.24-25) What was the response of the people? (v.26)

Read verses 27-28. Whom did Jesus meet and what did he tell him to do? (v.27) What does “Follow me” mean? How did Levi respond to Jesus’ calling? (v.28)

Read verses 29-32. How was Levi changed after he followed Jesus? (v.29) Why did the Pharisees and the teachers of the law complain? (v.30) How did Jesus answer them? (v.31-32) In what sense were Levi and the paralytic sick “spiritually”? What does it mean ‘I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance’?

Message 2 Group Study - 2012 Spring Bible Conference, UBF, March 30-April 1

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