
He Has Risen���

The Christ Will Suffer and Rise from the Dead

Luke 24:1-53

Key Verse 46

He told them, “This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day…

Read verses 1-12. What did the women find when they came to the tomb? (v.1-3) Who appeared to them and what did they say to them? (v.4-7) What is the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection? (v.6,7) What did the women do after they came back from the tomb? (v.9) How did the apostles and all others respond? (v.11,12) 

Read verses 13-35. What was the problem of the two disciples and how did Jesus help them? (v.25-27, 30-31) What did they do after they recognized Jesus? (v.33-35)

Read verses 36-43. When did Jesus stand among his disciples and what did he say to them? (v.36) What was their response? (v.37) What did Jesus do to convince them that he has risen? (v.38-43)

Read verses 44-53. What did he teach them concerning the Scriptures? (v.44,45) On what basis did Jesus want his disciples to believe his resurrection? (v.46) What did Jesus want his disciples to do and what did he promise? (v.47-49) How did Jesus ascend into heaven? (v.50-53)

Message 4 Group Study - 2012 Spring Bible Conference, UBF, March 30-April 1

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