
Stop Doubting and Believe��

Stop Doubting and Believe

John 20:1-31

Key verse 20:27

Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

I. Empty tomb (1-9)

Read verses 1-2.  What happened early on the first day of the week? (1)  Why did Mary Magdalene go to the tomb early in the morning? (Mk 16:1-2; Lk 24:1-2)  To whom did she tell the news? (2)

Read verses 3-9.  How did the two disciples respond to the news? (3-8)  Why do you think the author described the scene in great detail? (5-8)  Did they understand Jesus’ resurrection from Scripture? (9)

II. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (10-18)

Read verses 10-16.  After the disciples went back, what did Mary do? (10-11)  Who spoke to her first? (12-13)  Why didn’t she recognize Jesus, even though he was standing there? (14-15)  When did she recognize him? (16)

Read verses 17-18.  Why did Jesus tell her not to hold on to him? (17)  What did he want her to do? (17)  How did she become the first witness of Jesus’ resurrection? (18) 

III. Jesus appears to his disciples (19-23)

Read verses 19-23.  When and how did Jesus appear to his disciples? (19)  Why did he give them ‘peace’ first? (19)  Why were they overjoyed? (20)  How did Jesus commission his disciples? (21)  What did he do to equip them? (22-23) 

IV. Jesus appears to Thomas (24-31)

Read verses 24-31.  Why did the risen Jesus have to appear again to his disciples? (24-26)   How did Jesus help Thomas to believe his resurrection? (27-29)  Why did the author write this gospel? (30-31)

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