

Jesus, The True Vine

John 15:1-17
Key verse 5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him,

he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Read verses 1-3. Why does Jesus declare himself as the true vine? (1a) Who is the gardener? (1b) Describe the two kinds of branches (2). What does he do to make them more fruitful? (2) How can we be clean (3)?

Read verses 4-8. How many times is the word “remain” repeated? Why is it essential to remain in the vine? (4b-6, Col 2:6,7) How can we remain in Jesus, the vine? (Jn 6:56) What does Jesus promise? (7) What is the purpose of bearing fruit? (8)

Read verses 9-11. How much has Jesus loved us? (9, Ro 5:8) How ought we, therefore, to remain in Jesus’ love? (9,10a) What is Jesus’ example (10b)? What is the consequence of remaining in Jesus’ love and obeying his commands? (11)

Read verses 12-17. What is Jesus’ command (12, 17)? How ought we to love each other(13)? What is the result of obeying of this command? (14, 15)? Why is it important to know that Jesus chose us? (16,17) What fruit does Jesus want us to bear?

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