

                                            WHOEVER LOVES HIS BROTHER…

1 John 2:1-11
Key Verse: 2:10

"Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble."

Read verses 1-2. To whom and for what purpose is John writing this? (1a) How does Jesus Christ, the Righteous one, defend anybody who sins? (1b) What is Jesus for our sins? (2a)   How far does his atoning sacrifice reach? (2b)

Read verses 3-6. How many times is the word “know” repeated? (3,4,5) How can we know Jesus? (3) Who is a liar and why? (4) How is God’s love made complete? (5a) How can we know that we are in Jesus? (5b, 6) 

Read verses 7-8. What command does the author write? (7) How was an old command becoming a new command (Jn 13:34, 35)? How can “you” know truth about the new command? (8b)

Read verses 9-11. How can anyone claim to be in the light? (9,10) What does it practically mean to live in the light and to live in darkness? (10,11b)

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