

You Must Be Born Again

John 3:1-21

Key Verse 3:3

In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

Jesus teaches Nicodemus (3:1-15)

Read verses 1-2.  Who was Nicodemus (1, 10)? Why do you think such a “successful” man as he came to Jesus at night? What did he know about Jesus (2)? What was the basis of his knowledge (2)?

Read verses 3-4. According to Jesus, how can anyone see or enter the kingdom of God (3, 5)? What does it mean to be born again?  How did Nicodemus respond to what Jesus said (4)? What do you think was Nicodemus’ spiritual problem?

Read verses 5-8. How can we be born again (5)? What does ‘born of water and the Spirit’ mean? How did Jesus help Nicodemus to understand the work of the Spirit (6-8)? 

Read verses 9-15. Why did Nicodemus and the people of Israel not accept Jesus’ testimony?  Why was Jesus’ testimony trustworthy (13)?  Why did Moses put the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness (Nu 21:8-9)?  How does this event foreshadow Jesus on the cross (14-15)? What does this event teach us about faith and salvation? 

God so loved the world (3:16-21)

Read verses 16-18. How did God reveal his love for the world? Who can have eternal life?  Why is it important to know that God loves us? Why do those who do not believe stand condemned already (18)?

Read verses 19-21. What is the verdict (19)? Why do people love darkness instead of light?  What is the way to come into the light (21)?

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