
Tragedy in David’s Family

Tragedy in David’s Family

2 Samuel 13:1-39

Key verse 36b 

“The king, too, and all his attendants wept very bitterly.”

1.    Read verses 1-5. Who are Amnon and Tamar? (1,2) When Amnon becomes obsessed with Tamar, who advises him? (2,3)  What advice is given to Amnon? (4,5)

2.   Read verses 6-22. Following Jonadab’s advice, how does Amnon trick Tamar and take advantage of his sister? (6-14)  After doing this, how does Amnon’s attitude change toward to Tamar and how does he treat her? (15-19)  How does Absalom respond to his sister’s shame? (20, 22)  What happens when king David hears about what had happened? (21)

3.    Read verses 23-29. Two years later, who does Absalom invite to his sheep-shearing occasion at Baal Hazor? (23, 24)  At Absalom's urging, what does King David do? (25-27) How does Absalom take revenge on Amnon? (28,29a)  What do all of the king’s other sons do? (29b)

4.    Read verses 30-39. What bad news comes to David and how does he respond to hearing this? (30,31)  What does Jonadab tell David? (32, 33)  Where does Absalom flee to and how long does he stay there? (37,38a)  How does David respond to this tragedy?  (36, 37b, 39)

*  What do you think about the events that unfold in Chapter 13 that result from what Nathan had told David concerning his sin? (12:11)

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